Miami Geo Quiz

How well do you know the spaces and places constituting greater metropolitan Miami?

miami geo quiz

The Miami Geo Quiz is a semi-regular feature on Miami Geographic.

We provide a picture and, sometimes, if you’re lucky, a few clues as to the specific location of that picture.

Your job is to answer the questions associated with that picture and clues (if any). This typically involves simply identifying its location.

If you think you know the correct answer, submit your response in the comments section of the corresponding Miami Geo Quiz post.

The first person to submit the correct response wins!

Go ahead, challenge yourself with a

miami geo quiz

At the present time, we’re unable to offer any prizes for correct responses, other than the right to brag to your friends about your superior knowledge of the city and its environs.

Be patient, though, some sort of prize will be coming soon!

If you’re all Miami Geo Quizzed-out, feel free to return to the main post stream.